I’ve come to the realization that everyone needs someone. I went to one of my best friend’s sister’s bridal shower (congrats Va) and I had so much fun! My favorite game was the wedding dress game where you had to make your own wedding dress out of tissue paper. Everyone was divided into teams to see who could come up with the best design. Of course, the team I was on won. 🙂 Hence, this has become my favorite bridal shower game! Our dress was beautiful.

A team effort makes a big difference in anything you do in life. Our team worked together efficiently. No one was overbearing which allowed for everyone to contribute to the masterpiece. And wala(!), it was a perfect win on a perfect day

At times, we all want to be the (star) center of attention but I have learned the importance of kicking back and playing your position. One that only you can play. Everyone can’t be the captain of the ship but the beauty of it all is that each person has something unique and essential to bring to the table. That is what makes you you. 

Enjoy your gift and respect the gifts that others have. This is what makes a good team. At the end of the day, you can accomplish more with team-players and with less effort if everyone does their part.  

Tip of the day: Just love…

This is what I wore on Saturday: Foreign Exchange top, F21 shorts and belt, Chanel bag, Casadei Heels.

Here’s the beautiful bride to be and (her friend) our model.

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22 thoughts on “Team Work!

  1. I love the mixture of prints in this outfit. This looks really good. This is truly like a page out of a magazine. Great job. I am inspired.

  2. omgg i love this omg lol i just wore this look last sunday this is supper dupper hott! kinda like bohemian chic (i think lol :)) but anyways this is sooo fly! i love you

  3. Yeah Baybe! Shawty is a 10, hey, a 10. I’m over here jammin to this song. LOL! I love this look. I thought it was a romper, one piece. You put it together so well. That takes vision. I love the necklace with it. It goes perfect and I’m not even a big necklace person but it rocks. Perfect! You should tip her! Ayy, lol

  4. Wow! You Look great! You’re getting better and better! When will you let us in on your beauty regimen? Your skin rocks!

  5. You are simply beautiful in this outfit -beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful hair, beautiful skin the works! Perfection from head to toe. Your words are beautiful also and really touched my heart. I plan to print and include this lovely blog in the Bridal book that I am creating for Vakhara so that we can keep it FOREVER. Your presence and fashion expertise were so appreciated by both my sister and I. Deep down I knew from the very start of the game your team was destined to win.

  6. Ok so i know I havent commented in a while (extremely busy at work) but your post have been real good and your clothes never disappoint. You are true beauty inside and out and im glad you have stayed that way. I have known you for 8 years now wow all the way from 2003 (graduation to be exact) and you have been around for my most important times (graduation, bridal shower, wedding, and baby shower) I just wanted to say I appreciate you and you are a good role model .(as i tell you all the time)

  7. OMG that tissue paper dress was sooo cute. Your so right whos to say what is not cute. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (GOD). If we just love eachother for who we are even if its not what you like ,man sisterhood would be strong! One day……love the look nice to see you walk on the wild side. Stay FAB girly. LUV

  8. This is the perfect summer outfit + love the bride’s dress! So unique!


  9. the wedding dress looks adorable!

    It is so funny I went to Forever 21 yesterday and I tried the same short on but in the tribal blalck and white print. I didn’t get it but now that I see it with a belt, it looks really good. It is amazing how one piece of accessories can make an entire outfit works!

  10. You have the greatest shoe and purse collection! And you wear color SO well. So many people just stick to monochromatics (myself included), but you totally know how to incorporate color into your looks! So refreshing!

  11. OMG so out of the box….I absolutely love this outfit! Who whould have ever thought that squares go with polka dots not me… I definetly need this ouutfit ASAP!

  12. This is a colorful Ensemble, I’m loving the different patterns! On point from head to toe! There is no "I" in team and Im pretty sure all the "creative minds" were in your group, hence "The Winners". I Love the Wedding dress photo 🙂 Girl, I’m going to have your toned LEGS, one day, and rock those shorts, LOL 🙂

  13. When I saw your outfit, I thought: "what a beautiful necklace", and then "amazing shoes" and know I can only think: What an amazing outfit you are wearing!!!

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