
It is so HOT! I ‘m sitting here with the air on full blast watching movies. I was gonna go to the mall but I don’t need to spend any money (on a saving mission). Day’s like this is when I really appreciate my home.

Tip of the day: Stay cool and stay out of the sun because the sun can be just as bad for you as it could be good. 🙂

James Perse tank, Rebecca Taylor shorts, Christian Louboutin Heels (LOVE).


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23 thoughts on “Feeling HOT, HOT, HOT……

  1. Oooh the red bottom shoes! You ALWAYS have the cutest shoes. I need to stay inside instead of shopping like you are. I’ve been shopping megasales in preparation for my birthday next week! It’s starting to get out of control.

    -The Shopaholic

  2. Oh my goodness–love your shoes–SO FABOUSH.

    And I feel ya about the weather–I’m currently in California and it is HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT.
    Almost as hot as your shoes!

  3. Hi Doll,

    You look so fabulous and your shoes are amazing. I love the way you put that outfit together. You definitely have a keen fashion sense and you are a wonderful person. Blessings to you always.


  4. Hey Mom,

    I love those shoes… hopefully they will be mine when i get older…lol. P.S. that outfit is HOT HOT HOT.mmwah ILY

  5. You are so beautiful. You do look HOT! I love how you put those blue shoes with that outfit. It just takes things to a whole nother level. I always like to style like that.

    If you woulda had on aything else that color it would have taken away from the shoes (you never take away fro louboutin) and if your shoes matched your outfit it woulda taken from the outfit….but this way, everything says BAM! : ) Do that!

    You can still match it up tho. Doesn’t matter with those shoes. But i luv the way you’ve done it. "Effortlessly flawless" – to live by. Hooollaaaa!

  6. The SHOES!! Thats what is so's like when a shoe is HOT you can put it with almost anything…very creative outfit..the neutral safari tones with that shoe is KILLER! I could go on and on….:)