If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s someone that’s not a person of their word. But to add my disclaimer, anyone that has done anything to me, to include not keeping their word, I have always forgiven them as long as they come to me and sincerely apologize. My friends call me stupid sometimes but that’s just my heart forgiving. I love people. I just don’t always like their ways. Love is ever forgiving. But, taking advantage is not love, right?

If I say I’m gonna do something, you can count on me to do it, no doubt. If I didn’t follow thru on my word to you, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. For instance, I could never owe anyone money and be able to sleep at night (thank God this has never occurred but if it did I would make it priority over anything else). Some people just assume that you have it but they never know your circumstances. 

I also don’t appreciate when people don’t take your time seriously. (Time is money). I learned this from one of my best friends. If we were going somewhere and I’d forget, she’d be there and super upset if I forgot. Sometimes, I’m a la la carefree person and may miss an appointment or two. In the past year, I organized my business schedule to clear three days to accommodate clients only for them to have cancelled at the last minute. It’s a lesson learned because now I require a deposit before I book a big job that will tie up my day (…lessons of life being too nice). From that, I know not to say I’ll be somewhere and not show (late sometimes but I’m showing up).

Moral of the story is respect people’s time(even when someone takes the time to do something nice for you) and money and most of all friendship. It’s not worth losing friends over being inconsiderate and unappreciative, right?

Tip of the day: Credibility is everything (that’s what credit is about)

Wearing: LV bag, CL heels, James Perse t-shirt(so comfy),J brand pants, Sweet Rags custom made vest.

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32 thoughts on ““It’s better to be a good nobody than an evil somebody”

  1. The shoes are HOTT as usual. I love the topic of discussion because as we all know everyone in this world does not possess the same morals and values. Its a blessing to find someone (friends and loved ones) who is on the same page as you and carries the same level of respect in regards to how important your time is! I always take note on others "reliability" because it is a quality that I find to be important and will overall determine who your true friends are. Smooches to Tanya and keep your head up pumpkin!

  2. Super cute fit babe. Looks sassy. Time is everything cause you can't get it back. You can only remeber the good or bad so make it good so others can have a positive thought about you. Your friends are so important because they let you into their lives to share great moments. Be a woman of your word as much as you can it looks good on you. Even when you think your a good nobody its not true because god is the only judge and we strive to be like him not them….so I say hi good nobody your somebody to me!

  3. Time and Love is the best thing you can give to somebody! Because we never know, how much time we still have.

  4. I agree 100% with this post. Time is money, time is valuable and its not gurannteed to always be there so you gotta do what can when you can. and yes, a little appreciation and consideration goes a LONG way… every relationship is a series of give and take…

    and of course, you are killing them with this outfit, the shoes are BAD, and I love the J Brand cargo pants… Im dying to get a pair and I will now that you have wore them so well… keep up the amazing work!

  5. Firstly, you look great. Those pants are awesome and so is everything else in the outfit.

    You are bang on about the 'credibility' … It is so important to stand by ones words. That's what makes a person's character. Forgiveness and consideration are 2 of the best qualities to have and your have them in you in bundles! πŸ™‚ Your goodness shines through your posts!!!


  6. Owww! The shoes are hot! LOve how you match things (shoes and purse, etc.) but you don't over do i! Simple yet very fashionable. Also, love your thoughts on things. You seem to be a real sincere lady. I really can relate to you on this subject (wink).

  7. Ohhh and another thing, can't wait for your hair tutorial. Do you youtube? I think that would be a great way to do it. Just a thought. πŸ™‚

  8. Another great post! Time is the most precious thing you can give to someone…because once its gone you can't get it back! Luv the loubys and your hair has sooo much volume! iIagree with everyone else…its about time you spill some of your beauty secrets Tanya πŸ™‚

  9. Your hair looks amazing, so healthy and full………. shoes are definitely a major………….. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Some ppl jus dont have any morals, and dont understand the value of respect and Ive had to cross that bridge serveral times until i jus gave up you cant please no one but yourself……….. Its hurts, but sometimes u gotta treat ppl the way they treat u, then thats when their dysfunctional slow brains will catch !!! Sad but its real πŸ™‚

  10. OK, OK I'll do a you-tube tutorial. Everyone has been asking about my hair and you will be amazed on how creative I can be when it comes to my hair. Thanks for the suggestion Angela and everyone else. I'm so busy the next couple of weeks traveling and school starting for the kids so by October I'll have one ready for you guys. I'm super shy in front of the camera and super goofy so get ready to laugh. Thanks everyone once again for stopping by and to the new visitors….:)

  11. you look so great!!! i love they way your paired the red shoes and bag with neutral colors…..such a great look! and I completely agree with your tip of the day <3

    XO Kimmy