I get emails at least twice a week on advice about relationships. I don’t feel like I’m a relationship expert by far, but what I can say is, why stay in an unhappy relationship? Some women are housewives and have no choice in the matter due to no job in addition no where to go seeing that the husband is the sole provider. In most cases like this, when the kids turn eighteen the parents get divorced because they stayed together for their family, (even though I still don’t agree with this I see the logic) but personally I couldn’t do it. If you have no kids along with being independent then you are at an advantage and really shouldn’t deal with anyone’s crap.
The more I read the more I find myself sometimes wanting to shake these women along with telling them to wake up. I also want to give them a hug and tell them “believe in yourself and you deserve better!” A man can make you feel really insecure and it happens to the best of humans, but he doesn’t have to know this little secret. When he acts up, address it, then he might act right for a couple of days, maybe weeks and a lot of times he ends up going right back to the way things were before (the disappointments) and you are miserable all over again. Before you know it you are on an emotional roller coaster wanting to eat ice cream all day wondering where the 10lbs came from:).
The key to getting through this rough patch is make sure to pray for strength in addition to staying busy. Do your own thing. Get dressed up and hit the town or you can sit at a friends house acting like you are out having fun. Some men have to feel challenged. He is your man and you should know him better than anyone else right? Let him sweat and miss you for a change. Also let him know that if he doesn’t change you are removing yourself from the situation and sometimes it can be the best thing for you. God has so much in store for you so stop being so afraid and just let him/her go and have faith in yourself… whatever it is that’s making you so unhappy is very toxic on the body, so you have to let go! Believe that God will make another way. He always comes through for me what makes you any different?
Tip of the day: Make sure he is worthy of you…

Wearing: F21 dress, Zara sweater, Marc Jacob bag.
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totally agree on that. But the big problem in this day and age of facebook, twitter, younameit… were people`s lives are built on what other`s perceive them to be, and as much as most women know they have to leave an unhappy situation, they tend to care more about what people will think of them after the fact and what they will say.
Love the outfit by the way!!
Love this post. Thanks for sharing.
Good tip! LUV the pics <3
Very informative, alot of females should read this. But u know what ive realized? the response to any advice like this is "you dont understand", "i know, but.." It takes time, but anybody can be happy on their own! or with someone with better qualities.
Love the outfit T!
Great PICTURES!!!! I need that sweater
Lovely pictures, and very good and true points. If he is not worthy of you now and hasnt been in the past, he will never be and all you would have done is settle for less and be unhappy. Life is too short for that
AMEN! It was only when I decided I was not going to accept less than being treated well & respected well that I met my match. I called him on his bull, let him know why his behavior wasn't acceptable and explained that the way I treat him is the ONLY way he should treat me. He acted right for a few days then back to the same old mess- I dumped him completely. Went on with building my life and months later after no contact at all, he called & asked me out…I said NO. He continued to call/pursue and explain to me how he changed and what he wanted to show me. 2 years later we are happily married…not perfect but he realizes my being married to him is a CHOICE, so if either one of is unhappy we do the WORK.
So many women think bad relationships, change or get better upon getting married and that is not true. If you are unhappy in a relationship, even if you are a housewife know that GOD will help you help yourself
As someone who has gone through a divorce, I agree 100% with your statements!
Love the outfit! Where did you get those shoes? I'm new to your blog so please excuse me if you have mentioned the shoes before, but I need those in my life! 🙂
A great post for Women's Day! I absolutely agree with the relationship advice. Everyone needs to stand up for themselves and respect their life, else no one else will!!!
You look AWESOME in that yellow skirt. I think I am loving everything yellow lately 😛
from © tanvii.com
I love it!
You are right, we as women have to make very difficult decisions. Your happiness will not be more important to anyone but you. Right now I have a situation that has rocked me mentally and physically, I pray daily for peace and guidance. I do know that God is in control and will be merciful. The one thing we can't do is give up trying to live our best life….don't let any man or woman for that matter rob you of your life because they don't even know it nor do they care. Thank you Tanya, for this insightful post…..I feel like it was written just for me.
Great tip love that sweater!!!!
Love your look and the tip of the day, darling!
It is awesome how your blog combines the best fashion with the best advice 🙂
Great post Tanya!
Omg i love the lace jacket i want that. But your post is so very true just had to tell my friend that the other day. love you much big sister. Oh and attacks have stopped for now
For a moment I thought that was a skirt, loving it! great color. I am always in love with your heels lol.
Great post once again my heavenly sis 😉 And great choice of pictures to carry out your thoughts. Everything you mentioned I can agree with and to add to your masterpiece what us women also have to remember is ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. Like you stated men love a challenge so when we tell them 100 times that we are going to do this and that if they don't change but we never do what kind of challenge is that. If we as Women can't change the way we will allow our mate to treat us how do we expect our mate to change their actions? Food for thought ladies.
I really love the tip of the day!
Doesn't make any sense to tell you, once again, how gorgeous you look! But you do look great.
I love love love this post. Outfit is bomb and the words are so true. I am going thru this situation right now with my ex. Some days are better than others but like you said-toxic people need to be removed from your life..f youre not happy why stay in the relationship
Tanya, please keep blessing us with your inspirational words and looks. Love this whole combination and the construction background.
love the jacket..i want one lol!!!!
Though this doesn't apply to me directly, I have been saying the same things to freinds all week long. You are ALWAYS in sync with my thoughts.
Be blessed. XX
i love these pictures! so fun 🙂
Nice blog. and wonderful shoes
Look at my girl in these pretty colors on that big piece of machinery! this photo shoot is so creative. As usual, I love the outfit from head to toe!
My soapbox:
I love my pumpkin's advice on this blog! I think our downfall as woman is not knowing our (full) worth and settling for a man who is not worthy and we fail to be PATIENT! The best advice given to me is to know that when you are "dating" someone know that what your are experiencing at this point in time is what you will get when the two of you finally decide to become a couple! It's not about trying to change someone but accepting them as who they are (flaws and all) and finding your best friend and soulmate that is on the same page as you. That way there are no surprises after you've invested your time and love. Goodluck Ladies, I'm on a mission to follow my own advice as well. If you are not happy in your relationship make the effort to change your future because you only live once and it is YOUR LIFE! Smooches