Sometimes people look at you and they make a perception of you, but they don’t know that you are still a work in progress just like them. I’m still striving to be the best mother, wife, friend and person that I can be.
In life you meet people sometimes and they look to you for advice, then you find yourself in a mentoring role.

While trying to be the complete package, it sometimes seems so great, but you only know what you see. When you look at me as a whole, know that there are a lot of different aspects to my life. You can’t take one part of me and think you know the whole me, furthermore all the details in my life that make me who I am, are probably the things that makes me easy to relate to.

In closing always remember we are all a work in progress, but as long as God is working in us and with us the journey will be easier.

Tip of the day: “You should never look at someone and think you know the whole formula that makes them who they are.” B boy


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25 thoughts on “I’m over it…

  1. I love Jumpers…. Cute I like the colors in your jumper…. Never thought to wear booties with a Jumper!!!! Thanks Tanya love your look as usual….

  2. This is so true… I was just talking about this the other day. Some people have no idea of each individuals journey so one should never judge the next person. Thanks for sharing this beautiful message. Beautiful! Loves it!

  3. Love the outfit, but you forgot to put the designer names! Where did you get the jumper and the booties? Inquiring minds want to know lol! Love the message…so true! You never know what it takes to fill another persons shoes! Thats why its best to concentrate on walking in your own with comfort and a confident stride! Another woman/man shoes may give you blisters and corns(metaphorically speaking) 🙂

  4. Wow! This so true. So many people see the cover of a book, read the preface and think they know and can analyze a person from such limited information. (I’ve done this!) Your post today encourages me to get to know people for who they really are. Digging a little deeper and realizing that although I see a finished product this is only a mere glimpse into someone's life. Often times what a person is willing to show you are based on their level of trust or the nature of the relationship. This may/may not be entirely who the person actually is. Keeping in mind, I have not been on their journey and experienced the life lessons that make a person’s character.

    Your post today really has me thinking…

    God bless,

  5. The romper so cute and I love how you toughened it up with the boots and the jacket!

    Yep, people tend to judge by appearance and think that they have you read. Not even in the least…

  6. Hi Tanya! I love the looks as usual but lately you have not been listing the designer. When you get a chance, can you please share that information? Thanks 🙂

  7. I def know that I'm a work in progress…as a matter of fact, I'm a huge & challenging project 🙂

    I love the jumper with the booties! Always so stylish, always so cute.

  8. People only see the outside and I have said it time and time again….if you think its all that come in the house and close the door. We never know what people have to do to get to where they want to be! We all are striving for greatness so if we walk the path of GOD and not the DEVIL we might see the light at the end of the tunnel meant for us. BUT WE HAVE TO STOP LOOKING AT THE NEXT GIRLS LIGHT AND WISHING IT WAS OURS.

  9. So true, Tanya! People are always in a hurry to jump to conclusions. They are always looking to put people in a box. There can never just be one aspect to a person … we are all made up of so much … and constantly evolving 🙂

    ♡ from ©

  10. Love this quote "…always remember we are all a work in progress, but as long as God is working in us and with us the journey will be easier/"

  11. It's so true, and I'm agree when you say that we are all a work in progress and the point is that we will always be, God knows what he's doing…
    Love the jumper and the leather jackets is the perfect piece to wear with're so stylish..
    God bless u!

  12. Judging a book by it's cover
    Trusting a big butt and a smile
    Appearances can be decieving
    A wolf in sheep's clothing
    "All examples of how society, warns against judging people based on perception, rather than actions"

    Great look & as always an even better message.

  13. First off – gorgeous outfit, from head to toe.

    As far as your post goes, you are right on the money. I couldn't have expressed it any better. Powerful words to live by and to remember when we start trying to judge others or even ourselves for that matter.

  14. i agree with you on people assuming and making the wrong perception! i have that all the time. It gets really annoying but when im confronted im not afraid to explain and show who i am. Then they realise that they had the wrong perception all along. Its kind of annoying, But thats what people do. And they will always do it.

    On the other hand: love that romper….oh how i long for your weather! # jealous lol

  15. just stumbled to your blog … you got the style right. I´m defently going to visit more often. Thanks for sharing =)


  16. Hey! A follower of yours recommended your blog to me. She said you and I have similar style (although you've totally got me beat….love your style) and we share similar believes. You're so cute and I love that you use your petite stature to your advantage. Your shoes are killer!