Woman support

Today I met with my new client that flew in from Louisiana, she was such a breath of fresh air. We chatted over wine and cucumber martinis, while enjoying the beautiful scenery at the W Hotel in Hollywood. It’s amazing to meet strong successful women that’s confident. I’m also glad that she chose to support my business.

Tip of the day: Support women…

Wearing: La Rok Blouse, Rock&Republic jeans, Fendi Heels, LV bag


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23 thoughts on “I want it all back…..

  1. "We run the world … GIRLS" love that new Beyonce song. Love the outfit and that jacket is really cute and different.

  2. You looked great for your lunch meeting. I love the juxtaposition of the floral top with the leather blazer! Very very chic!

    I LOVE your hair BTW.

    God bless,

  3. LOVE your Fendi shoes! If I could afford them, I would buy them!

    Happy birthday to your little one! I wish her many many more wonderful birthdays!!!

  4. Ta! You post this as i just post the beyonce new video! We Run This Mutherrrr!!! 🙂 🙂
    Love ur jacket and shoes!

  5. Looove your outfit, I need to visit your closet lol. I agree with you, its always inspiring to meet powerful, successful women. Was at an event tonight that had a few female entrepreneurs, was so refreshing meeting other female small business owners, makes u feel empowered.

  6. Have literally listened to Beyonce's new song "Girls" like 5x straight and have fallen in love with it (though, i have to say, it's not my favorite bey song). You still gotta love her (=
    Yes, let's please support one another. xx

  7. My baby's b-day was Tuesday. Both of our girls are taurus's!!!!! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!! You look great. Outfit is on point as usual.

  8. Great message! Fabulous look! I'm part of an organization that has a great mission for supporting women. Please check out our site.

  9. Love the shoes……… and the jacket is adorable. I'm glad other people can see and appreciate your talent. I wore one of the outfits you put together yesterday and received so many compliments….. Thanks a million.

    Love ya!! XOXOXO

  10. You are the best. I never comment but today was the day; I wish I would have written you first… I would have written this letter to you because: the reader said exactly what i want to say god bless you and continue being YOU. I enjoy reading your blog… If only ALL women would embrace this concept…. GOD BLESS you and continue to be encouraged…