Originality is a rarity these days. People change who they are for the weirdest reasons when they were perfectly fine before, in fact they were better…original. No one really wants to be who they are because they are too busy trying to impress other people. This is one thing that I feel that I’ve never had a problem with. If you ask someone that has known me for fifteen years they’ll tell you “Tanya loves fashion, she loves to help people and loves sharing knowledge”. Originality is a gift from God. He makes all of us different.
You may not think so, but an outsider looking in is always able to tell when someone is mimicking another person. When you aren’t being who you are it seeps through and you don’t even know it. You truly can’t be yourself because you’re too busy trying to portray an “image” that is not real, superficial. I feel like you can look great on the outside because you’ve looked through a couple magazines and picked up on someone else’s style, but what does your heart look like. This is why people that aren’t true to themselves never become what they really can be within because they are too busy trying to be someone else…and it shows.
Your heart is the only thing that doesn’t lie. People can feel that as well. If your heart is spiteful and evil remember you are always gonna be an ugly person no matter how beautiful you may think you are. God knows your heart at the end of the day and that’s where the blessings come in and I’m talking about the favors that money can’t buy, contentment.:) Do you truly have a beautiful heart? If not work on it.
Love who you see in the mirror “YOU” not someone else. Will people say you’ve changed into something else that you weren’t before because you’re trying to be like someone else?. Be yourself!
Tip of the day:” Be yourself. The world worships the original.” Ingrid Bergman
Please excuse my absence. I’ve been so busy with my family. See you soon and have a great week everyone:)!
Also if you have a question about something leave your email in the comment section so I can reply.
love the look and most important your words…
I love your posts, they're the TRUTH!!
That only comes from experience, when someone is genuine, there is no faking! Hidden agendas never win!
Beautiful outfit and black bracelet! your post is so true, there's so much people faking to be someone else…
Ohhh love the skirt and vest combo….wonder if I can copy this look with an old bridesmaid dress I have…hehe
You look very beautiful and comfy in your blue dress. Ilove and miss you. vOh and I love the shopping blog as well!
your lil sis
Love the outfit! You've inspired me to put my white vest with my blue maxi! Love it!
Your right, we are all created the way we should be. On another note that outfit is gorgeous, I love it.
I always read but never comment. today i had to because this spoke to me. Thanks for the encouraging words.
That is SOOO true. Originality is such a rare virtue nowadays! And people aping each other is so common that it is even harder to tell one person form another anymore.
You look lovely in that maxi. Love the vest on it 🙂
♡ from © tanvii.com
GREAT post *clapping hands*
Love the outfit and the moving words
*Waving* there's absolutely NOTHING like being yourself… ORIGINAL!!!! Love the FIT!!!! Enjoy your FAMILY…
It is true, the heart can't lie and no matter how genuine a person tries to act–it is the gift of discernment giving to us by God that sees the truth (whether good or bad) in a person. Often though, people choose to ignore it because we like/want to see the good in people–sometimes it just really doesn't exist.
love this skirt btw!!!!
So pretty and I love your inspirational words! I agree, originality is always preferred!
love the message, as well as the outfit. very comfy and simple look!
Hot Classic Look
Lovely quote and look, darling!
Always a pleasure visiting your beautiful blog!
Great post and very inspirational. I love the outfit and those shoes are to die for. You are very fashionable and wise. Thanks for the great post
I loved your post! And loved the outfit. I love your blog!!!
Good morning from Montreal, Canada 🙂
Stumbled upon this post by accident this morning and it spoke straight to my soul. A co-worker, someone I consider as a friend, was recently promoted and is a totally different person today. He is now very condescending and "power trippy", justifying his behaviour by claiming "Because Im the Boss!".
It hurt my feelings so deep that I considered finding another job although I adore what I do as well as the team who report to me.
As a result, I found myself becoming very rude to the people around me in order to protect myself from my own vulnerability.
People change for their own reasons but I guess the greater lesson here is to take it for what it is and not let it affect my integrity.
Thank you for your words. Oh and your style is pure FIRE! LOL
God bless you,
Hi Tanya, I have been in a relationship for four years with a man I adore very much. However, I really hate that he isn't affectionate or romantic at all. On our anniversary a week ago, I spent just about my whole monthly allowance to get him a gift, something that he'd wanted for very long and he didn't know he could even get in the country, cooked him a nice meal, I went all out Tanya! He came home in the evening and had NOTHING for me! Nothing Tanya! Our 4th year anniversary! The day before, he'd told me 'happy anniversary' and I was like 'it's not today baby!' So the following day (the corret day) I phoned him in the morning and wished him a happy anniversary. So, he had the whole day to pick up something!! And he didn't! Not even a card! As I brought him his gift, he said 'Oh! People exchange gifts on their anniversary?' I brushed it off and said it was fine and that I didn't really expect anything. But he did mention that he felt guilty. Anyhow, he did't make it up to me in any way, and it feels so bad because he knew how much I'd been anticipating our anniversary. He's not broke at all (actually I'm the broke one as I'm still in school but some sacrifices are worth it) He has a good job and basically no one to spend his money on.
Also, he has never introduced me to his mother. I've only met his brother and a cousin who lives with his mom. He says it's because he knows his mother will pressure him into getting married.(he's 35 y.o.) He's a nice guy generally, he's trustworthy, but I'm just so confused about him! I hate that he doesn't care about doing nice things for me(in the 4 years, we've been out on a date (as in nice restaurant) thrice. he's never done anything for me on valentines day, he's never bought me roses or surprised me with anything.) The fact that I can trust him completely makes me not want to lose him. So what do you(and anyone else who reads this)propose I should do?
That message is so true..love it and love your thoughts and words of wisdom..thanks for sharing! Very cute ensemble too 🙂
I agree that originality is the key to your own happiness! My mom taught me that although I am a Twin her girls are individuals first and to develop our own individual personalities. As a result I respect the fact that my twin sister is eccentric and has her own fashion sense that I love and respect. Me, on the other hand, I am the glam twin and can't b anything else if I tried. So definitely b yourself you can't ever get it wrong! Tanya I love the whole outfit from head to that bangin wedged shoe, lol. Smooches