sistersA couple of weekends ago I had the pleasure of working with my dear friends sisters Rakhara and Vakhara over atΒ Indulgent Occasions. The twin sisters are an unstoppable duo when it comes to what Chef Vakhara can whip up in the kitchen complemented by her sisters Rakhara’s fabulous decor. This particular event Β the birthday girl spared no expense so you know it was flawless. Nothing was missing. They had beautiful people at their brunch in addition to great food in their to die for home. One of my favorite highlights was the freshly squeezed watermelon juice. The guest mixed it with champagne. I had so much fun working with them.Β 

Va and Ra as I call them has had their company for some time now. We are trying to get a television show and still working out the details. You guys would be very inspired to see how well they work and the way they settle their minor disputes when it comes to everything turning into perfection.




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32 thoughts on “I’m thinking PARIS…

  1. You look stunning as usual… tres jolie! Beautiful event! I would definitely watch if they had a show.

    Less Is More

  2. Such a small world! Yay for Va & Ra……They are doing their thang AND you too Tonya! So good to see all of us "grown-up" LOL.

    Many Blessings!

  3. Wow Tanya…. you have really out done yourself this time. Vakhara and I are sitting here at Indulgent Occasions Headquarters smiling so big. Oh, and Baby Lamar (my 10 month old nephew) is sitting on my lap as I type this message talking to your "major must haves" pictures and smiling to :-). You are such a great representation for our company and it is always a delight to work with you. Not only can you dress your but off but you can take some spectacular pictures to. Even when you are working hard your fashion, hair and attitude are all on point. The 3 of us truly make an unbeatable team. Lets keep our motivation high, and creative gracefulness superb as we continue to make that money and keep our clientele happy. We had a lot of fun on this project. Thank you again for all that you do.

  4. Visiting your blog ALWAYS give me a AIR of FRESH BREATH and make me smile… :))
    You look GORGE!!!! And, the event looks SUPERB!!!! The decor is LA-AMAZING!!!!! ~Great JOB Ladies…

  5. Darling, you look so gorgeous!!! Love this look and it looks like a lovely event….best wishes on the tv show…keep us updated because I'd def tune in πŸ™‚


  6. Everything looked amazing. I love all the little touches, and by the looks of the website I am sure the food tasted amazing!

    God bless,

  7. Absolutely beautiful and I look forward to hearing that they have a new show on the Cooking Network! Oh, and I love the shoes!

  8. This event look absolutely fabulous and praying that this television show comes to fruition, that would be amazing!!!!!!!

  9. Looks like all of you pulled together a fabulous event!!! And so wonderful that three young ladies can work together succesfully and drama free! That is a blessing in itself! I love that dress! And Va and Ra seem like such an unstoppable team!! Amazing, I have already had several people check out their website! I was blown away by their creative talent. Love it!! Keep up the good work Tanya, and thanks a million for sharing so many things with us πŸ™‚

  10. your dress is adorable! and fits so well with the decor…the whole lot belong in some sort of show room just fab!

  11. What a wonderful collaboration! Great experiences are sure to manifest as a result of your perfect team =)

    "Team work make the dream work"- Rev. Run

    ps- Lovely Fendi heels <3

  12. I love this dress and the shoes as well! The decor is unique as well! Everything looks beautiful, hope you guys had a great time. Love it!

  13. I love the decor at this event! Of course my pumpkin is looking "flawless" in this beautiful dress! Just lovely as to be expected πŸ˜‰

  14. Wow! Great for you & your friends and good luck on your future endeavors! May God's favor continually be upon you all!!!

    Watermelon juice and champagne sounds SOOO delicious!

    You look lovely Tanya and those legs! They are spectacular. Now, I'm off to do some Calf raises—-> I'm serious! LOL