There’s nothing greater and more humbling to me than when a person apologizes. My husband taught me that there is no shame in apologizing. If he does something wrong he’s the first to apologize and I love that about him. On my latest post there was a little bit of drama concerning one of my readers. I began to pray for her and not even 24 hours later she was on here apologizing for her actions. I respect and admire  her for that because she didn’t have to. She could have just went about her life as though it never happened, but she checked herself and that’s what life’s about. None of us are perfect and when making mistakes it’s important that we learn from them. When you feel like you’re at a dead end, you can always turn around.

This is perfect time to talk about how to deal with negativity. When someone ses or does something that’s hurtful to you in your face or behind your back, there’s no need to retaliate and fight a negative with a negative. I know this from experience. I’ve had good friends and complete strangers be mean to me for no apparent reason, but I ignore them and stay away from them. I’ve also learned not to take things so personal. There are obstacles thrown our way in all forms, so I just see it as another hurdle to jump over, furthermore I know when I’m tested and I act with kindness, I always get rewarded from God. Plus that’s just who I am naturally. When a person is intentionally being mean you gotta wonder is that person truly happy? Why would anyone that was happy want to hurt someone else. That alone is punishment because they’ll drown in their own misery and if we pray for these people they’ll eventually come around:)

Remember when someone ses something to hurt your feelings true or not, ignore them, pray for them and let them deal with their issues and I promise you they’ll eventually revert to kindness because they’ll say “I’ve done everything to push this person’s buttons and they just won’t bite”. They might not apologize, but know you’ll still be rewarded when you brush it off , act with kindness and forgive them without their permission..

Tip of the day: Good always outweighs evil:) Trust me…

Wearing: Theory Shirt, J Brand Jeans, Casadei Heels, Gucci Bag.

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28 thoughts on “You can’t truly be the person God wants you to be if you don’t forgive…

  1. I LOVE this and it's so TRUE!!! Continue to share all the positive words with the world, we need more of this.

  2. Hey Sister. Very nice post and yes you are so very true a prayer goes a long way. Love the outfit and the hair you look gorgeous as usual

  3. Tanya, I love your blog. I love how you mix high end pieces with more affordable items. I also look forward to your positive messages. Now, I have a question for you. I'm a married, stay-at-home mom to two boys. I'm blessed and I love my life. We like to take our kids on vacation and they are involved in extra curricular activities that are not free! However, since we are living off one income, I'm on a tight budget. Therefore, I don't have money to shell out for the designer handbags that I SOOO want. I have been looking at replicas lately and wanted to know your honest opinion. If you think they are worth it, and if you know of any reputable sites. I really appreciate your honesty. You can also email me your response if you don't want to "endorse" a certain company. Thanks! 🙂

  4. This was very inspiring, and right on time. This was shared to me by one of my friends, and just wanted a needed to hear!

  5. Thank you for this. Every time God brings me here, its because there's a blog entry just for me.

    When hurtful behavior comes suddenly from an unexpected source, I have the same reaction – just stay away from the person. Simple. But lately Ive been working myself into a tizzy over some hurtful behavior from a relative that occurred LAST CHRISTMAS. The anxiety started when my mom started getting excited about me coming home for the holidays, and I should be excited too. Except I wasnt. And I came out to her that I didnt wanna be there this year, and because of whom. Well anywho, to keep from rambling on too much, I kinda relived the whole thing, got mad all over again, and have this whole negative cloud around me now (my own doing, to be sure) because Im actually allowing someone keep me away from my own mother's home, over something Im sure THEY dont even remember.

    Well, thank you alot <3 I know people who kinda dread the holidays over things like this, but I tend to take things to a whole nother level, as you can see =/

  6. I think I will use these colors and make an outfit of them. I really like how they all look together.

    p.s. I always keep forgetting that there is another Sunny on this site. I keep posting as Sunny, so I think I'll start posting as CC. Hopefully, someone else doesn't already have that author-name. lol :o)

  7. This post was great to read, because this past Thursday I had gotten so upset with my sister's mother. Her negativity, worry, and paranoia just keeps getting in the way of my being able to have a relationship with my little sister. I hope and pray she can deal with the things that make her so negative and paranoid for her sake and my sister's sake. I'm a firm believer in positivity and I'm glad your here spreading positivity for all.

  8. Great bag. I'm so into the color orange so, of course, I'm loving your button down shirt.

    I've come to realize that some folks are always out to get a reaction from you. When I meet someone like that, the best response to give them is complete silence. That's right, ignore them. Funny enough, that "response" gets to them the most.

  9. love the outfit… you post are always positive and uplifting everytime i read your blog, its something i need to hear. keep it up

  10. I love this post.. It was very interesting and motivating. I experience people being mean to me for no reason or just because of the way I look.. This post is definitely a big help for trying to find a sense of understanding… thnx.

  11. First I looooove your blog.. I was just inquiring about the necklace you have on in this post… Where did you purchase that BEAUTIFUL EDGY necklace?