Two friends of mine are going through a rough time in their life right now. As much as I try to be there for them and reassure them that things will be ok, the only peace they can really have is for them to know that God doesn’t put more on you that you can bear. I’m a witness! You don’t see clearly when going through your storm most of the time, but in the end is when you analyze, learn and move on.

Whatever my friends go through I would never share with anyone else. I learned that the hard way when I was younger. First of all it’s personal, and second why would I want to tell anyone about a misfortune of my friend! Even if my enemy (I don’t have many) went through a rough patch I still wouldn’t wish anything but luck to that person. But some are evil and love to see others hurt. EVIL people get pleasure out of kicking others when they’re down. I’m positive you’ll never win in life being this way!:(

No matter what happens in your life, know that things will smoothen itself out eventually. Never wish bad things upon anyone even if they’ve done something to you in the past. When you remember to always do what’s right by others you will always be on the winning side even when it seems your not because you’re going through a rough patch.:)

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26 thoughts on “bear watching…

  1. Even though my faith is strong (its been tested many, many times) and I know that to be true, some people are so deep in the fog that they can't even comprehend that. You have to pray for them and pray with them if they allow that. I hope they work it out.

    Gorgeous fit! Love that orange and the cage booties!

  2. i think spring just screams orange loving it! reminds me of my 'hello spring' post…
    Plus i can't get enough of these booties!

  3. I've missed your last few posts but I must say the wide leg black slacks and the sequined argyle pattern top is one of the most awesome looks I've seen of any fashion blogger! Super unique!!!! *love*

  4. I KNOW this is TRUE about friendship and stuff…I went through something similar..I choose to keep it basic and just LET GO, AND LET GOD. I know what I am, I am GOD'S child. And, as you stated "evil loves to hurt", and that is what the so-called friends did. Anyhow, Love the orange! Keep doing you and keep loving, it shines through you.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly, well said pumpkin! We are all blessed no matter where we are in our lives and I too am a believer that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! Tell you friends I will keep them in my prayers! smooches

  6. You look gorgeous! I like this pic. These shoes are hot. I hope everything is going to be ok with your friends. Life can be tough at times, but the light always comes.