Classic Story

classic storyHave you ever tried to help someone, be nice, show them the ropes on things you’ve experienced before them to help polish up some things in their life as they listen with open ears(?) Then the inevitable happens, they turn around and act like they are better than you, “I been this way” like they already had their stuff together. The competitive streak comes out that was laying dormant all along. Sometimes I think about it and say “wow” people really do take my kindness for weakness, but in the end it’s just envy. Bottom line is I try to help people from my heart. I don’t do it for accolades or a pat on the back…so I win always.

Those that do things with ulterior motives have to look in the mirror everyday and face themselves. I’m never going to change. I’ll always be blessed.  So will you if you always share things from the heart.

Classic story!

Tip of the day: Everybody’s not worthy…

classic storyclassic storyclassic storyclassic storyWearing: Nanette Lepore Dress, Miu Miu Polka Dot Heels, Nneka Saran Bag.

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27 thoughts on “it’s almost showtime baby…

  1. So very true.. I've gotten to the point where I say thank you now cuz it means God took "crosses out my life"!! Cute fit…

  2. So, so very true! I love the print mixed with the polka dots! And I have a bracelet like that on my Pinterest. Thanks for the reminder that I need to buy it!

  3. Great post… I tell ya, people are a trip sometimes! I just shake my head and keep it moving, b/c they are only playing themselves. Anyways, love this outfit…it's so fun and so cute and vibrant. And I have to get me a Nneka Saran clutch…that's on my things to buy list! I'm going to her site right now! 🙂

    Milk and Honeeyz

  4. That is so sad but true, this happens in friendships, the workplace and just life period, you are so smart to know that you always win because when you mentor someone it is from the heart!! 😀 And those that take your kindness for weakness, well the best of luck to them!! LOL You are so genorous in sharing your knowledge, style and wisdom on this blog and with firends, too bad some people take advantage instead of valuing what you offer! Also, cute look today!! You are wearing my fave shoes!! 🙂

  5. I totallu feel u i surely have been there before smh,on the other hand u look stunning,love the mixture of prints!

  6. in my katt williams voice u if u got haterz u must b doin somethin right go girl!!! i'm trying to find me some haterz lol im trying to get to 100 haters by this summer they're your biggest fans

  7. YES Tanya totally agree! BEEN there, DONE that. And moved on. Life lessons we learn from experiences…Now a days I expect the unexpected from anyone! I do this and will always do it "Bottom line is I try to help people from my heart. I don't do it for accolades or a pat on the back…so I win always."
    Love the outfit! I love flowers and the color..Just need to finally add Nneka Saran to my bag addition.

  8. I absolutely LOVE this!!
    I share the same experience in life. i sometimes feel like a angel in a human form (not to sound arrogant or conceited) just because i always want to help and heal people with my advice, thoughts or opinions which i always feel are just words "from him, through me" but depending on who you are talking to, its not always received that way. i'm at point in my life now where i am learning to not give advice to those that aren't ready for it, which i can totally understand. but it is a battle for me bc that's just who i am, but i'm also learning i can serve as a different kind of outlet for those people.
    You look so cute sis!! loving all of the "beachy" backgrounds 🙂

  9. Hey girl! I emailed you a while back. It will be time for an update soon. Your number did not save in my phone which is the reason I haven't called:( This new phone trips sometimes! lol Email me your info or I will email you mine. Oh and yes your post is so ON POINT as usual!

  10. What I love most about your blog is you wear high end and affordable, and it all looks effortlessly styled!So Fabulous!You look gorgeous as always!

  11. Gorgeous as usual. I love everything! Stay tru to you boo! It's those genuine people that always come out on top! I love it when people show their true colors 😉 hang in there honey!

  12. Do you have any heels that aren't open-toe and sandal-ish? Perhaps change it up a bit and grab some Louboutins or Casadeis.. Something pointy for a change! You're so predictable girl!

  13. I am really enjoying the bright pints you have been sporting recently. Always put together so nicely chica! You got it! and forget about those individuals… at the end of the day you gotta check your heart and if it's good then it's all that matters. 😉