As the years pass by, I know for sure that my Aunt Ruth will never forget my birthday and always make a point to make it special. I love chatting with her alone because she’s such a wise e woman. When I was younger she use to dress with so much class and style and sometimes I would stare at her and think she acts like a princess (in a good way). She also was very bold and daring and never cared what others thought of her. I remember when she came over with all her hair cut off. I didn’t believe it. She rocked that hair and it was beautiful. She could always pull anything off.

My dad moved to Belize when I was 14. My Aunt had moved away and returned around the time he left. I was trying to find myself and in the mist of that not listening to my mother. Whenever my Aunt came around it’s almost like I never wanted to disappoint her. I always wanted to be the best because I never wanted her to look down at me, so I thought. Turns out she the total opposite. She’s stern, but so loving and compassionate. She believes in God but never judges you for making mistakes. You’d think that she doesn’t have time to listen but offers the best advice. I look at her as a very balanced person. You can see a light of happiness in her eyes because she doesn’t put people down, gossip, or judge you. She prays for me even when I don’t tell her my problems because she knows when something isn’t right.

My Aunt has always believed in me although I know I’ve done things to disappoint her. Every time I see her she makes sure to tell me how proud of me she is. I always seem to cry. I’m glad I have someone in my life like her because God knows I needed all the prayers especially hers. Hope she reads this. I love and thank God for my Aunt Ruth!

My Aunt collected these for years. This one is 25 years old. I was honoered when she gave it to me.

This is what I eyes were closed.

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