“If you like to pinch people, smile and act like the person your pinching is crazy, then you have a sick problem”. What I mean by this metaphor is that people can look you in the face and tell you they didn’t do something, when you either felt it was a lie or actually seen the truth. Men (and women) will do that to you and before you know it you’ll be wanting to check yourself in the mental institution. Ladies don’t let em’ do it to you! That is one thing that I love about my husband and I (we have been through so many test) it’s no bull! If he is wrong he will admit it and apologize, not have me questioning myself. And with that being said, I can be confident to trust my gut with every other occurrence in my life. I’m usually right on point with what I’m feeling.
Now it wasn’t always like this (he tried it), but he had to know that I wasn’t playing any games and there was a chance he could lose me. So think, is what you’re about to do worth the risk that you’re about to take? Ladies if you know you’re a good woman remember what he won’t do, someone else will. I’m not just talking about finances, (even though that’s a plus), I’m talking about a support system for you as a woman.
Just always know when you do right by people, you only have good things coming into your life. Dump the toxic people, be alone and enjoy your own company. It’s that simple! Have a great weekend!
Top: INC, Old Navy Rock star Skinnies, Ysl Heels, F21 Necklace, Marc Jacob Bag.
I caught up on all my emails today. Thank you all. I have the best following in the world. You are the reason I keep writting!:)