Taking care of you and staying fit can be really hard especially if you have kids, a husband and work. I’ve always worked out although I’ve slacked off for a few months here and there. What I can say is that when I do workout I feel better, my attitude is better and it makes me feel like I did something for myself, and we need that time to ourself. I love to eat and when I workout regularly, I’m more conscientious of the things that I put in my mouth. The other day I had a lunch meeting and I had grilled mushrooms, spinach and asparagus and was full and satisfied. I felt so good afterwards! I knew that the next day I was going to the movies and dinner so I decided to save my bad eating for the creamed spinach at Ruth Chris. I will never deny myself the things I love to eat, but I watch my portions. The food has to be worth it because if it’s not, that’s where you start to feel guilty about what you’ve eaten. Lastly enjoy life and try to stay balanced! No one said it would be easy…
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