Shop Now: Denim & Supply | Heels old but alternative here  and here| Shades.IMG_0629April of 2016 is here already so I feel like I really need to take some steps to jump in as it is passing me by quickly. With that being said I’m taking all the necessary steps to get organized, surround myself with only those that I can build with and taking my businesses to the next level.

Everyday I try to wake up with intention. It’s hard when you work for yourself to sometimes stay motivated, especially when you have people around you that can affect your mood. This is why I have to constantly reevaluate my life and see the areas I’m not growing in, figure out why and do something about it. Doing this gives me incentive to inspire and create.

I think that all creative people have this problem. The steps that are helping me as of now is writing in my journal everyday. I’m not only doing this because I’m going to write a book, but to reflect and know where the problem lies. The problem can be you, but writing helps you discover that. Then you know what steps you need to take to move up the ladder to the next level in your life. Make sure to remove yourself from anyone that doesn’t believe in your dream or puts it down.  It’s your dream/goal so follow it. We even put ourselves down and don’t believe in ourselves at times, so make sure to wake up with a plan everyday so steps can be taken to fix anything that’s interfering you from flourishing.

Another thing I started doing (my friend does it all the time) is putting motivational quotes up all around me. This helps me know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, especially if you don’t have people around to push you. We have to learn to push ourself.

Lastly, I bought a beautiful planner (my other friend inspired me to do that) and I write my to do list and goals for the day everyday. You have to execute small things to build up to the big thing right. Sooner or later you’ll be in the dream position, running your own business successfully and grateful for all that life has to offer. The possibilities are endless you just have to get up off your ass and get there, even if that means taking baby steps. xoxoIMG_0628IMG_0623 IMG_0627 IMG_0615 IMG_0618 IMG_0654

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8 thoughts on “Wrap Dress

  1. This is so true. I’ve been saying that I need to sign up for grad school, but I’ve really been lacking motivation. I know apart of this is from the company I keep. I need to make sure that I only listen to the positive and take accountability for myself and get to moving in the right direction. I’ve been listening to Dr Charles Stanley’s and Heather Lindsey’s messages online lately and it seems that their messages are just what I needed to hear. I feel that God is about to do something BIG in my life if I just remain obedient.

  2. What type of business do you have? It most be in fashion because you get it right every time. Do you have a store?

  3. This is so true! Eliminating negative people & surroundings is so essential in growing as a person especially for a woman. I use to journal as a young teen but some how it turned into a self hate ordeal & I had to snap out of that cycle and began channeling a more positive energy through like you said using motivational quotes & just over all maintaining a positive outlook on life & all the things I’ve been blessed with. Great Post!

  4. Tanya,
    In so many ways we are nothing alike, but you inspire me in so many ways. Your blog ceates a pqsitive spititual energy. Your message is simple lets look good, feel good, be better people. We can be beautiful people and still give God all the glory and honor. Thank You Lorraine

  5. Love ur posts! As a woman, mother and wife I love the inspiration and of course the fashion along with ur style. I commend u and may u continue to rise!