As you can tell from previous post I love wearing black, tan and brown together. It really works.

Wore this while doing some personal shopping for my client yesterday. These shoes were quite comfy despite how they might appear not to be.

Wearing: Zara blazer, Calvin Klien Cargo pants, Target tnk, Givenchy Caged Booties.

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28 thoughts on “Learning not to take things too personal…

  1. WOW those are some bad shoes just when i think i have seen you in the best shoes you prove me wrong. Love the look. Love you see you soon

  2. oooh-wee comfy or not, those shoes are BAD!! I love 'em! I also want that blazer so bad… let met head to eBay for the 100th time to see if I can find one in my size.

  3. Oh yeah! My new favorite heels 🙂 ! I love the ensemble from head to booties! You are my "future" personal shopper as soon as i can afford it, love you boo!