I’ve had a lot of milestones in my life ever since I was a young girl and I’ve realized if you just take things one day at a time you’ll cross each and everyone smiling.:)

The more I smile the more people pick at me, but that’s because they think they are getting a stab at me, but I catch it, store in and treat them accordingly.

In my past I would probably call someone straight out and that would definitely cause a conflict, futhermore I’ve realized that it’s not worth it. I’m not falling for it boo…:(

I know that all the obstacles that have come my way has caused me to sit back, analyze and just keep living for me and not anyone else!!!

Tip of the day: Don’t be mad at the next persons smile…


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30 thoughts on ““You the one that I dream about all day, you are the one so I make sure I behave”

  1. Great post! Keep smiling! I do all the time too. When I was younger people would say "Why are you always smiling at everything." I got self-concious about it but now that I'm older, I love smiling and there's nobody that can stop me from doing it. Great outfit as always.

  2. I love to see everyone around me happy. It's hard to understand why anyone would be mad at another's joy. Oh well, it's life!

    Very pretty outfit as usual..those shoes!!!


  3. I've learned that there are people that will seek out kind hearted people and purposely use them and hurt them. Why? I have no idea. I have thought about it from time to time. Those types of people are attracted to your glow, your shine and happiness. They are curious and want to know how you keep it going but get upset when they cant achieve it. So they will try to put your light out by any means. Someone dimmed my glow recently but a couple of beautiful sisters came along, helped me, restored my light and told me to "shine baby shine" And I did! There are some pretty "ugly" people out there but there are also the beautiful ones out there too. This adds balance and this is how we learn our life lessons

  4. Your message is on point. Unfortunately, some people hate to see others happy, but kill them with kindness and keep smiling. Love the outfit. Also, love the background in your pics; reminds of my homeland, Ghana.

  5. Your signature is your smile :))))

    "Because of your smile, You make your life more beautiful.".

    Your smile is never a disguise because you always keep it 100!! Your happiness comes from a place within where no one could get to no matter how hard they try!

    I love this outfit. You always put things together in such a unique & sophisticated way.

    Such a wise lady youbare. Keep smiling & sharing!!

  6. Anyone that hates to see other's smile need not visit your site because on every post your smile seems to "jump off the page" So they are in for there worst nightmare!!! LOL, but I love it!!! It is motivation for me to do what makes me smile like that and whoever does not like it, well too bad!! You know how to not let anyone steal your joy!! Keep killing them with that beautiful smile πŸ˜€

  7. It's so sad how people project their insecurities on others. You're beautiful, intelligent and have great style so people get mad at those qualities in you/their perception of you not knowing "the road that brought you" to where you are could very well be similar to their journey. I'm glad that you are confident and secure in yourself, which helps you to handle others accordingly…I too am learning how to do that!

  8. my baby and her 100 watt smile will always outshine, out love and be gracious because you are the daughter of the King, God Himself. Don't let the deceivers steal your joy baby. you are one beautiful, classy lady. Continue to let God's light and love shine through you.

    beautiful outfits, great advice as usual. you touch a lot of lives babe and make us think of out actions and motives. love you

  9. May u always smile Tanya! Being able to continue to smile and take life day by day is a huge gift and a blessin! Continue in your blessings! <3

  10. Hey Baby Girl,

    Don't let nobody ever steal your joy. The secret for happiness, peace, joy and love is to keep your circle small with people that have integrity, good character, honest and loyal. Keep away from snakes, the only thing a snake do is hurt you and bite you. Put God first and be meek not weak. Know i love you and I always got you babe.

    I love what Qween Vada said she is right on point. Gal 6:9 Never get weary in doing good cause in due season god will reward you.

  11. Gimme those shoes! lol You are my friend in my head! I swear these posts are so on point! I sent you an email!