Bathing SuitFullSizeRender-34My week pretty much consisted of eating, relaxing and working. Hope you all have a great weekend. FullSizeRender-35My friend came into town so we went to brunch and these pancakes were a hit…IMG_5532 peaceful morningsIMG_5456 I never go to the Cheesecake Factory without getting Firecracker Salmon Rolls IMG_5422 Thanks to all of you…IMG_1525This outfit is one of my favs…img_1320Mommy been in Belize for two months. I miss her.

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5 thoughts on “snapshots

  1. I love that black top…if you don’t mind me asking where did you get it from? And I need to try those Firecrakcer Salmons Rolls LOL

  2. Your mom is gorgeous! All the food looked delicious. I’m going to invest in some higher quality swimwear like the one above. A few of my cheaper ones only last one year.