img_9609 There are people and things in my life that I have lost. I never knew how important those things were to me until they disappeared.  

This is why I focus more on day-to-day moments, rather than the past or my future. Of course be smart and save and plan for your future, but I’m saying this to say, at all cost do whatever it is that you have to do to be your best, and your happiest. This is why it’s important to live in the present so we can enjoy and reflect on the daily treasures life can bring. When we focus on the now we can also do fine tuning when needed, whether that is eliminating or adding certain things to our lives.  If we appreciated what we had there would be no room for sorrow, (why) because we would have valued it right?

Focus and be grateful for the things and the people around you. Make yourself happy and remember to always be kind even when it’s hard. If we try to live like this we will always be on the winning side. You don’t want to look back ten years from now with regrets… wishing you had something that has now vanished.img_9613 img_9620 img_9640 img_9644Wearing: Button down shirt tied up, old skirt (alternative here), Gucci Heels (alternative here, here), Givenchy Bag.

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10 thoughts on “you can have something and not appreciate it until it vanishes…

  1. Whatever has happened to hurt you lately definitely has not damaged your spirit. You are still standing and with a SMILE on your face. It’s impossible to get a grateful spirit down!!!! Keep pressing!

    1. Hey T! Awesome post. Can you do a post on stress & work life balance. You must have a clone! How do you do it all?

      Thanks again for such a well rounded blog

  2. Amen!!!! We take so many things for granted. It’s always kind to be kind! When we have a good heart it shows..your beauty on the inside definitely shows on the outside! God bless!

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  5. This is a gorgeous outfit. U look so pretty in these heels. Ur smile is so beautiful in that last picture. 😉 x x x