workout equipmentI feel this workout segment fading away…. I started it because I’d get e-mails about my workout routine and how to maintain my weight. Well I started this and people want to ask, complain but don’t want to put in the work. I’d like to equivalent this to everyday life. When there is something I want to do I just do it. I don’t make excuses. I defiantly won’t complain and cry about it if I chose not to do something about it.

Nike shoesI put away the scale, exercise more and watch what I put in my mouth. I just want to feel good about myself from my heart, to my health. When I workout I don’t think about anything. All my problems disappear and I’m focused on only me at that moment and while focusing I’m doing something to better myself. I don’t have an extra hour to gossip on the phone, every part of my day needs to be accounted for. No time for negativity around here. It’s all productive!

workout clothesLay your work out gear on the chair so you can wake up and workout. Even if it’s 30 minutes before or after work, you need to just do it at least twice a week. You’ll have a better day, a better week, a better life.

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16 thoughts on “searching for whats right in front of your face…

  1. Hi ladies! I am still going strong working out 6 days a week. I am starting to feel a difference & that keeps me motivated.

    I enjoy the workout segments hope they don't disappear but I understand if they do.

  2. I am plus size but I appreciate your gym segment. I recently started back focusing on my health and if I can give my job 8 hours a day I can give the gym one 3 days a week.

  3. I been working out… also added a protein shake in the morning as breakfast

    I dont get to post on every work out post however… I'm still apart of the work out movement…. Also I am going to try and add swimming twice a week as a alternative to my regular cardio on the treadmill.

  4. I'm still working out. I joined a different gym yesterday and I'm overly excited about getting back into the swing of things. I want my shape back and I have a plan to get it. Don't let this segment fade away. There are those of us that need it!

  5. I know this sounds ridiculous; but I will only work out when my hair is dirty being that I sweat in my scalp and hate to mess up perfectly pressed hair. Any suggestions on how to keep my wig in together so I can work on my physique more?

  6. I actually look forward to the Tuesday health segments. Been hanging in there with my eating and walking/jogging.
    Mel- have you tried wrapping it and tying it down with a scarf before you work out? Or maybe try a wavy/crinkly style that would help camouflage when it's not bone straight.

  7. @ Mel My sister actually purchased the scarf by Nicole Ari Parker the " Save Your Do" scarf and she said it Works… and she sweats a lot in her scalp… I wanna say the website is Only thing she said it wasn't cheap but it works.

  8. I must say i've been slacking for the longest time but i never beat myself up about it…
    I think it's all to do with the way we perceive ourselves although i don't exercise at the moment i love who i see in the mirror and as you said i watch what i eat i guess i'm getting away with it now but not for too long…need to find something that i can enjoy doing thanks for sharing your determination.

    Christy of:

  9. I come to the website daily for motivation…
    I'm watching what i eat and exercising 5x a week… sometimes i walk the beach early Saturday mornings to switch things up a bit. PLEASE don't stop these segments – its my savior.

  10. I enjoy the segments and it gives me motivation and a bit of accountability too. I was a bit down today because I haven't lost lbs and came to the site for a little burst of motivation. I have been working out 7 days straight and been eating fairly well. You have a great "don't complain, go get it" attitude. I know getting complaints can be daunting/annoying but maybe your segments will slowly change the complainer's attitude? It's hard to make a change and maybe the first step is complaining…which is the "cousin" of denial. Maybe the next step is enlightenment and change.? If you stop the segments, I get it but just wanted to give you another way of looking at it and let you know that there are people working it out with ya! It's a journey!

  11. For those who have been working out and havent lost weight, start taking pictures!!!! It makes a world of difference…what doesnt show on the scale will definitely show in pictures. Also record your starting measurements and do updates once a month or something like that. I did it and I complained that I wasnt losing weight but a friend made me take pictures and measurements and sure nuff I saw a big difference at the end of 5 weeks. Not only had I lost weight but I also lost inches as well and the pictures showed me how my body had began to change.

  12. Thanks for the tips, Lexicon! I measured myself almost a month ago so I will check next week to see if there are any changes. I need to do photos too.

  13. I agree dont stop the segments. I look at your blog DAILY though I do not comment I love seeing your posts, outfits, recipes and now workout segment. I used to feel like if I dont have time to go to the gym I might as well not do it at all. Such an excuse but seeing just the small things you do I could certainly incorporate into my everyday life even with a 1 year old at home. Its motivating!! So DONT STOP!!!