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7 thoughts on “Statement Necklace |T-Shirt

  1. That shot from the back…DANG!! Your booty look good in those jeans!! WOW!! I love your dark hair and sexy lips too. Killin it! x x x 😉 😉

  2. First let me say God bless you, your family (including your brother), and your Blog. I am a new follower and I am encouraged and loving it!!! We have so many things in common, not just being a lady but things such as spiritual beliefs, faith, family, and not to mention Hawaii. My Husaband and I make a trip to Hawaii once a year, why? Because we love it and it is such a peaceful place to go and recharge. Once I found out about your blog, I couldn’t stop reading and looking at your fashion. 🙂 From what I gather about you, I must say you are a spiritual, real fashionista. I would love to be able to communicate with you. Thank you! Your new follower LaDonna.