Shop Here: Baby Doll Dress | Heels | Bag. IMG_9538 (1)Self Worth/Self Love

Today I wanted to talk to you about self worth. Self worth is very important in every aspect of your life. If you don’t have self worth you won’t know what you deserve in a relationship, friendship or your workplace. We have to learn to know ourselves in order to discover our self worth. Spending time with ourselves and studying who we are at the core helps us discover our purpose.

 If you discover you are a loving and kind person you’ll know that you deserve that.  You won’t allow others to mistreat you. We are all constantly dealing with changes in our lives and people changing around us. Stay grounded  in who YOU are, then you will not let the changes around you affect you. We keep the wrong company because sometimes we don’t want to be alone, but it’s ok to be by yourself. Know the difference between being lonely and being alone. 

Never be afraid to walk away from anything when you know you deserve better. Know who you are and who’s you are. When you know you are a priceless gem don’t get caught up with pebbles. IMG_9539 IMG_9541 IMG_9542 IMG_9543 IMG_9549 IMG_9550 IMG_9553I get so many emails from my readers about this subject. I want to start a majormusthaves union so I could link up women that overcame similar situations. We have to help each other. Girl power. 

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6 thoughts on “babydoll dress

  1. So glad I came here this a.m. I recently made the decision to cut some people out of my life that have been there for a while. It was a difficult decision but the right one.

  2. Still pretty! You never age! What fountain of youth have you been drinking from? Beautiful from the inside so it shines through! Dont change! Love, love, love this dress and the color. Lots of love!

  3. I love that pic of you peering over the edge, the expression on your pretty face. You look beautiful and I love the colour, everything here is perfect, and those heels too- dang u got some sexy heels for those sexy legs of yours- makes sense really! Enjoy your day. 😉 😉 x x x