Breakfast in Bed

SundayI decided to cook my husband breakfast in bed this past Sunday. I cook all week so he normally makes us breakfast on the weekends, or we’ll go out for brunch. It’s nice to just  be spontaneous and do something thoughtful for those you love.

First I served a breakfast appetizer. Banana, blueberries,and strawberries.

Next I made him a breakfast sandwich. I made three eggs over medium, sausage, then I sprinkled shredded cheese on top. I toasted wheat toast and added mayonnaise.  I served it on a tray (here) and added a couple of blueberries to his grapefruit juice. I also bought him his favorite magazine the night before so he was able to relax and read. I put a smile on his face;).SundaySundaySundaySunday SundayEnjoy!

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